Welcome to our (re)Discover crystal series. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey through the world of crystals you may already cherish. For each crystal, we'll unveil its enchanting properties, honor its historical legacy, and learn how to seamlessly integrate its magic in your daily existence.

Crystal (re)Discovery

(re)Discover the Spiritual Clarity of Selenite

(re)Discover the Spiritual Clarity of Selenite

(re)Discover the Spiritual Clarity of Selenite. Join us as we explore its history, metaphysical powers, and how to use it for Divine Enlightenment. Historical Origins Selenite's historical origins trace back to...

(re)Discover the Spiritual Clarity of Selenite

(re)Discover the Spiritual Clarity of Selenite. Join us as we explore its history, metaphysical powers, and how to use it for Divine Enlightenment. Historical Origins Selenite's historical origins trace back to...

(re)Discover Malachite

(re)Discover Malachite

What is Malachite Malachite is a green copper carbonate mineral with the chemical formula Cu2CO3(OH)2. It is a secondary mineral that is formed by the weathering and oxidation of copper-bearing...

(re)Discover Malachite

What is Malachite Malachite is a green copper carbonate mineral with the chemical formula Cu2CO3(OH)2. It is a secondary mineral that is formed by the weathering and oxidation of copper-bearing...